IDE/Text editors support
Jet Brains plugin (official)
Provides autocomplete and filetype support.
VSCode plugin (official)
Provides autocomplete and filetype support.
Emacs plugin (community)
Provides autocomplete and filetype support.
stands for Language Server Protocol
Starting from 0.0.55
version lets comes with builtin lsp
server under lets self lsp
Lsp support includes:
- Goto definition
- Navigate to definitions of mixins files
- Navigate to definitions of command from
- Completion
- Complete commands in depends
- Diagnostics
- Hover
- Formatting
- Signature help
- Code action
server works with JSON Schema (see bellow).
VSCode plugin supports lsp out of the box, just make sure you have lets >= 0.0.55
Neovim support for lets self lsp
can be added manually:
- Add new filetype:
filename = {
["lets.yaml"] = "yaml.lets",
- In your
servers configuration:
In order for nvim-lspconfig
to recognize lets lsp
we must define config for lets_ls
(lets_ls is just a conventional name because we are not officially added to neovim/nvim-lspconfig
require("lspconfig.configs").lets_ls = {
default_config = {
cmd = {
"lets self lsp",
filetypes = { "yaml.lets" },
root_dir = util.root_pattern("lets.yaml"),
settings = {},
- And then enable lets_ls in then servers section:
return {
opts = {
servers = {
lets_ls = {},
pyright = {}, -- pyright here just as hint to where we should add lets_ls
JSON Schema
In order to get autocomplete and filetype support in any editor, you can use the JSON schema file provided by Lets.
To use the JSON schema in VSCode, you can use the YAML extension.
Add the following to your settings.json
"yaml.schemas": {
"": [
To use the JSON schema in Neovim, you can use the nvim-lspconfig
with SchemaStore
In your nvim-lspconfig
configuration, add the following:
servers = {
yamlls = {
on_new_config = function(new_config)
local yaml_schemas = require("schemastore").yaml.schemas({
extra = {
description = "Lets JSON schema",
fileMatch = { "lets.yaml", "lets*.yaml" },
name = "lets.schema.json",
url = "",
new_config.settings.yaml.schemas = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", new_config.settings.yaml.schemas or {}, yaml_schemas)